偶然看到歐陽應齊在明報副刊的文章中介紹這本書 :“我的最後晚餐”。作者訪問了當今五十位名廚,講下如果明天便要死了、今晚弄一個怎样的最後晚餐給自己吃。我覺應很有趣,縱然書名大吉利是,還是上AMAZON買了一本送給自已造聖誕禮物,今日收到書,速速番了一下,圖文並茂噃。
What would be your last meal on earth ?
What would be the setting for the meal ?
What would you drink with your meal ?
Would there be music ?
Who would be your dining companions ?
Who would prepare the meal ?
每位大廚的最後晚餐recipe 也列出來。
What would be your last meal on earth ?
What would be the setting for the meal ?
What would you drink with your meal ?
Would there be music ?
Who would be your dining companions ?
Who would prepare the meal ?
每位大廚的最後晚餐recipe 也列出來。