我近來思前想後,也擔心自己可能年紀越大越怕 change,以前轉工真係手起刀落,很爽快唔會咁猷疑不缺。如果我決定轉去上述果份工,真係要連我的生活模式也有不小的改變。
隨手在書堆中找到這本去年尾在倫敦買的書,它是教人如何做自己的 Life Coach,一開始也是講change。我買埋咁多書的好處是隨手可找到所需要的精神食糧,這幾天便在看此書,希望可解除我對change的疑難。
“If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” – Guiseppe di Lampedusa, The Leopard, 1960
It is simply this, the will to act, that makes the difference – taking the first step and setting off in the direction that we want to go, then planning very carefully the route that will lead towards a more successful, more fulfilled life.
… in order to make real changes in your life you need a vision of where you want to be…. It needs to be inspirational and motivational and it needs to sit well with your beliefs and values. (我認為Vision是人一生的大難題)
Whenever we change from one type of behavior or situation to another, we are losing something as well as gaining. It is this loss that can be difficult to cope with, no matter how unhelpful or unproductive the behavior we are leaving behind.
When you choose one thing you automatically loss something else, and you have to be able to cope with that loss. But it is exhausting and impossible to keep all your options open all the time. You have to make decisions. Choose one thing and move on….If you spend your time continually toying with the alternatives, you will never be able to move forward.
The problem with making decisions is that decisions change the path of our lives and no one can tell us which is the best path to follow. We have to find that out of ourselves.
Bereavement, injury, separation, redundancy, new relationships, jobs or relocation radically change our lives. Good events as well as bad shake us up and require us to alter our view of the world. It takes time and effort to readjust. If we understand and deal with the crises that are caused by changes in our lives, we can turn traumatic events into turning points and opportunities.
